'Viable'. This is the point where you should be able to make it do stuff and start developing for it without too many incompatibilities with the next few releases. On paper, this is a big release, however its likely to get there with a number of small incremental releases.
- Bugs
- IDs resetting without resetting que/event history - Done
- Temperamental testCaseHappydistributedQueItem.areWeAWorker - Done
- Temperamental testCaseHappydistributedQueItem.numQueProcDuring - Done
- Temperamental testCaseHappydistributedQueItem.numprocPost - Done
- Allow multiple instances on a single node - Done
- Fake hostname - Done
- Monitor plugin - Done
- Distributed node tests - Done
- Switch distributed back to events.separated from events.combined - In progrress
- Move listener.return away from event handeler - Done
- Improve licensing display - Done
- Dev plugin - Done
- Build plugin - Done
- Install script (to make installation easier) - Done
- Re-enable multiple bindings per event handeler - To do
- Finish events for nodes joining and leaving the cluster - To do