'Viable'. This is the point where you should be able to make it do stuff and start developing for it without too many incompatibilities with the next few releases.
- Bugs
- IDs resetting without resetting que/event history - Done
- Temperamental testCaseHappydistributedQueItem.areWeAWorker - Done
- Temperamental testCaseHappydistributedQueItem.numQueProcDuring - Done
- Temperamental testCaseHappydistributedQueItem.numprocPost - Done
- Allow multiple instances on a single node - Done
- Fake hostname - Done
- Monitor plugin - Done
- Distributed node tests - Done
- Switch distributed back to events.separated from events.combined - In progrress
- Move listener.return away from event handeler - Done
- Improve licensing display - Done
- Dev plugin - Done
- Build plugin - Done
- Install script (to make installation easier) - Done
- Re-enable multiple bindings per event handeler - To do
- Finish events for nodes joining and leaving the cluster - To do